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Valérie Lobsang-Gattini 


1st degree State Certificate « Physical Activities for All » - 1992 - Ministry of Youth and Sport - France 

Reiki Master - Sophrologist - 1997-2012


Tibetan Yoga Lu Jong 1 Teacher - 2016 - Tulku Lobsang

Tibetan Yoga Kum Nye Instructor - 2017 - Tarthang Tulku

Tibetan Sword Dance practice Tog Chöd Teacher - 2017 - Tulku Lobsang

Tibetan Yoga Lu Jong 1 Educator - 2018 - Tulku Lobsang
Tibetan Yoga Tog Chöd Educator - 2019 - Tulku Lobsang

Tibetan 5 Elements Practices Teacher & Educator - 2020 - Tulku Lobsang
Shiné  - Buddhist Traditional Meditation Teacher - 2021 - Tulku Lobsang

Tibetan Yoga Lu Jong 2 Teacher - 2021 - Tulku Lobsang

Tsa Lung Healing Therapy - Dr Pasang Arya - 2022


Practitioner Thai Herbal Hot Compress - 2024 - Spa Mantra Chiang Mai

Practitioner Tok Sen Ancient Thai Therapy - 2024 - Spa Mantra Chiang Mai

Practitioner Face Tok Sen Ancient Thai Therapy - 2024 - Spa Mantra Chiang Mai

Practitioner Thai Foot Reflexology Massage - 2024 - ITM Chiang Mai

Practitioner Advanced Traditional Thai Massage - 2024 - Lar Thai Massage Chiang Mai

Practitioner Level 1 : Foundation of Nuad Bo-Rarn Northern-style Thai Massage - 2024 - ITM Chiang Mai

Practitioner Level 2 : Intermediate Nuad Bo-Rarn Northern-style Thai Massage - 2024 - ITM Chiang Mai

Practitioner Level 3 : Advanced Sen - Energy lines - Nuad Bo-Rarn Northern-style Thai Massage - 2024 - ITM Chiang Mai

Practitioner Level 4a : Advanced Therapeutic Upper Body Nuad Bo-Rarn Northern-style Thai Massage - 2024 - ITM Chiang Mai

Practitioner Level 4b : Advanced Therapeutic Lower Body Nuad Bo-Rarn Northern-style Thai Massage - 2024 - ITM Chiang Mai

Teacher Level 1 Nuad Bo-Rarn” Northern-style Thai Massage - 2024 - ITM Chiang Mai

Teacher-Instructor of Thai Yoga Ruesi Dalton - 2024 - Thaï Massage and Healing Art School Bangkok

Buddhist Curriculum below....

My encounter with Traditional Thaï Massage

My encounter with traditional Thai massage was marked by a need. This need ? Relieve the pain in my back which has a lumbar disc herniation associated with some cervical problems: reversal of the cervical curvature, significant canal stenoses on C4-C5 and C5-C6 with a canal narrowed to 10mm, degenerative discopaghia of C4- C5 to C6-C7, severe in C5-C6 with disc herniation and femoral stenosis on C5. My practice of Tibetan yoga always brought a lot of relief, but it was not enough. The Thai massage has really brought a sense of well-being, and a definite improvement in the posture of my back which has straightened, my legs which have gained flexibility and no longer pull on the back, giving it the possibility of recovering curvatures. healthier. For my shoulders and my neck, each massage allows me to manage the days in a relaxed manner for 10 to 15 days without tension.

It was then obvious that I had to share these ancestral techniques in order to benefit as many people as possible in my country of origin and elsewhere.

We have a bad image of Thai massage by immediately comparing it to the Walking Streets of Pataya or Paton Beach where the salons are lined up next to each other filled with young women in low-cut outfits and offering the famous "happy ending" , the objective of many Westerners in tourism in Thailand.

However, traditional Thai massage is not that.

It is an ancestral practice which descends from the lineage of Doctor Shivago Komarpaj who was both friend and personal physicist of the Buddha and which was transmitted over the millennia within monasteries by monks.

This ancestral practice combines passive stretching and acupressure. The giver and receiver wear loose clothing. As traditional Thai massage is always practiced fully clothed...

The pressures, more or less strong, are carried out using the thumbs, palms of the hands, elbows and feet. Stretching is passive since the recipient has only one instruction, to relax, while it is the donor who initiates all the movements. These stretches are of course adapted to each individual, depending on their mobility and flexibility.

Traditional massage also uses the application of hot herbal compresses and the use of the hammer through the practice of Tog Sen.

In 2019, traditional Thai massage was inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

This is an important recognition which highlights the relative effectiveness of this ancestral practice.

It is therefore essential these days, when you wish to receive a Thai massage, to check if the person is really certified and if they practice the "traditional" version of this massage.

You will find more information about traditional Thai massage on this page.

And below, the summary of my journey through holistic practices, which, before opening the door to the Thai universe, was and of course remains strongly anchored in the Tibetan universe.

And soon, I will write an article on the connections I see between these 2 worlds.

My immersion and journey through the Tibetan universe

My discovery of the Tibetan world dates back to 1977, when as a child, I first walked the steps of the Tibetan monasteries of Laddhak and laid my eyes on the tangkas adorning their walls. The imprint is awakened, the seed will gently germinate.

A personal and deep commitment

My approach is totally rhymed, that is to say non-sectarian.Indeed, all traditions and all teachings are only the expression of the same reality.

For my part, I never ran after teaching, I even turned around in front of the alley surrounded by plane trees leading to the Vajrayogini institute, in 1992, even though a friend took me there afterwards. 2 hours drive, because "I was only talking about Tibetan Buddhism which called me". But this day, I didn't dare move forward, "there are monks in there, they must meditate, I don't know if we can just come like that, we are women, we are secular, we know nothing about Buddhism". At the time, there was little information, no internet, and so I had missed the front door.

This door appeared again on the West Coast of the United States, when I saw a sign indicating "Tibetan Monastery", but I did not dare take the turn, there were 5 of us in the car, heading towards the Central America, and finally, it was in 2018 that I realized while looking at Google Map, that it was the road leading to the Tarthang Tulku Monastery, whose teachings I encountered through Tibetan Kum Nyé yoga that I have been teaching since 2016...

The 3rd presentation was the good one, it was in Darwin, when I met “Geshela”, my first master. I then spent 1 year at his side, and for my part during that year a personal involvement through an automatic retirement, without knowing that I was on a retreat, meditating 5 x 1 hour per day, and in the meantime, studying at through books and Lam Rim, copying texts, and therefore 3 to 4 times a week going to the center to follow the rituals.

After this year, 2 choices presented themselves to me. Enter a nunnery to continue and deepen the practices, or return to the West with the risk of losing them forever due to being far from the masters, especially at that time and in the region where I lived. The nunnery seemed "too easy" to me because it is easier to keep the vows and therefore the peace of mind inside the partitioned space of the nunnery. I was convinced that the best way to pacify the mind was to achieve it through the upheavals of Samsara.I was wrong... but I didn't understand it yet... that what was essential was time because life is very short and therefore when we meet the conditions, we cannot have fun wasting time. time !time, which also marks the 6th element in the Buddhist context...

Back in Europe, I was separated from the teachings again and the path continued differently. Concentration is placed on the wrong supports (work, worldly life, etc.). That's when karma and Samsara hammer their emanation hard but the trust is still there, indelible, unshakeable because I knew deep down that it was only "temporary" and that a day would come when I could finally find the Dharma (the teachings), the Masters, and the practices.


When that day finally arrived, the connections between life and the teachings became so obvious! I was able to see that each action that I had undertaken, which seemed so far from the Dharma, was the Dharma in itself, in a manifestation necessary for my stubborn mind... Since then, although the obstacles of Samsara continue to purify oneself intensely, I see that these karmic interactions continue to draw magnificent bridges between past and present, making it possible to demonstrate how karma can be intelligent, subtle, incredibly rich for those who accept it as a master.

In 2015, when I finally decided to create space in all facets of my life. The teachings, the masters and the practices have therefore pointed their noses, have manifested themselves without interruption until this day. And the further I travel, the more they continue to be ever more present, flocking from all sides. The connections appear and the path becomes clearer.

2018 marks his ordination in the Ngakpa tradition, a key event in his life which took place in the cave of Guru Rinpoche in Tso Pema, a place that I have carried in my heart since my first visit in 2003. This white-robed Buddhist community and dreadlocks was founded by Master Vajra Padmasambhava in the eighth century, during the time of Tibetan King Trisong Deutsen. It spread and developed thanks to its twenty-five disciples. It was His Holiness Lho Ontul Rinpoche who carried out my ordination. He is a great master of Mahamudra and Dzogchen and reincarnation of Drog Ban Khiu Chung Lotsawa, one of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava). The majority of ngakpas and ngakmos are followers of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava, their great and common ancestor.

Taking Ngakpa ordination was therefore obvious to me and a realization of these 20 years of non-practice and yet “practice through Samsara”. When I made my choice in 1998, I decided to move towards difficulty, which today reveals all its splendor through the Universal Master.

I always had this dream of one day being authorized to teach while being secular.

I had dreams that showed me a life marked by teaching and nomadism.

Entering the Ngakpa path marks my commitment to go even further, always more.

My experiences allow me to bring teaching closer to each person's reality, and it is therefore with happiness that I continue to learn more and more, to transmit more and more, and to move forward in inner transformation.

I still have to juggle time today because I have 3 teenagers to look after, but it was my choice. I accept it, and so I try my best to continue my practices, my studies, and my teachings.

Buddhist Curriculum  

1997 :- Refuge with Gyuto Lasur Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Tenzin  (Gelugpa) - Darwin - Australia


1997 - The 3 principal aspects of the path - Gyuto Lasur Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Tenzin (Gelugpa) - Darwin - Australia


1997-98 : Study of « Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism » of Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden (teachings drawn primarily from Je Tsong Khapa’s Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path and Phabongkha Rinpoche’s Liberation in the Palm of your Hand) - Gyuto Lasur Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Tenzin (Gelugpa) - Darwin - Australia


1997-98 : self-retreat - I set my "self" in what i can now call a retreat. Meditating 5 sessions of 45mn to 1 hour per day, everyday, for nearly a year and in between, 100% of my time dedicated to studies or receiving teachings from Gesh Thubten Tenzin


1998 : Green Tara empowerment and practice - Lama Choedak Rinpoche (Sakya) - Darwin - Australia


1998 : Blue Medecine buddha empowerment and practice - Lama Choedak Rinpoche (Sakya) - Darwin - Australia


1998 : Shine (Samatha) - Lama Choedak Rinpoche (Sakya) - Darwin - Australia


1998 : Diplôme de praticienne Usuï Shiki Ryoho niveau "Cho Den" et "Okugi Den ».
Lignée : Mikao Usui / Chujiro Hayashi / Hawayo Takata / Paul Michell / Florina Tumminello / Valérie Lobsang Gattini


2002 - 2 days teachings - (I forgot what teaching it was.. Was introduction to Kalachakra transmission which went cancelled during the event as HH went sick and was taken to Delhi for observation) — His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - India


2003 - 3 days - Teachings on the 37 Practices of a Boddhisattva + Lamp of the Path to Enlightenment - His Holiness Dalai Lama - Bodhgaya - India


2003 - 3 days - Je Tsongkhapa’s text « The Foundation of All Qualities » - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Tabo monastery - Spiti - India


2011 : Formation 1 an + Diplôme de Sophrologue praticienne communication PNL.


2012 : Maître Praticienne Usuï Shiki Ryoho 3ème degré.
Lignée : Mikao Usui / Chujiro Hayashi / Hawayo Takata / Phyllis Lei Furumoto / Carol Farmer / Leah Smith / William L Rand / Nita Mocanu / Cesira Andreoni / Christine Veyrenche / Valérie Lobsang Gattini


2015 - 12 sessions in 12 months : "The true source of healing » - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (Bön Zhang Zhung) - online teaching on monthly basis and practice in between each monthly meeting


2015 :  8 weeks program Mindfullness Stress Reduction (MBSR).

26 juillet 2015 : Padmasambhava Guru Yoga Empowerement - Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche

June 2016 - Lu Jong Teacher training (12 days) and Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


September 2016 - Chenrezig Empowerment in the form of « Nine-Deity Great Compassionate Lord of the World », a pure vision of the 5th Dalaï Lama (Nyingma teaching) - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Strasbourg - France


September 2016 - 1 day - Nagarjuna’s ‘Commentary on Bodhichitta - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Strasbourg - France


October 2016 - 2 days - Tibetan medicine and astrology - Dr Passang Dhondup, doctor, and Mrs Sonam Palmo, astrologer, from Men-Tsee-Khang - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France


December 2016 - 2 days - ‘Discovering inner joy through the Tibetan sacred sounds » - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (Bön Zhang Zhung) - Bourg en Bresse - France


January 2017 - Kalachakra Empowerment - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - Inde


January 2017 - 3 days - Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (chodjug) + Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) (Bodhgaya Kalachakra) - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - Inde


February 2017 - Tog Chöd Teacher training (12 days)  and Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


July 2017 - Tibetan yoga Kum Nyé level 1 Instructor under Tarthang Tulku lineage (Nyingma) (6 months practice with 1 hour morning / 1 hour afternoon, 7 days a week + 2 retreats of 10 days each)


September 2017 - 7 days - Lu Jong 2 retreat - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa)  + Refuge with Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Belgium


October 2017 - 2 days - Tibetan medicine and astrology with Men-Tsee-Khang doctor and astrologer - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France


February 2018 - Lung of Manjushri praise - Lama Kempo Tengon (Gelugpa) - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France


June 2018 - 24 days pilgrimage/travel -  Mount Kailash Kora - Western Tibet (I include the Kora into teachings are Kora is not a trekking... specially in this place... we we are aware, it works as teaching....)

June 2018 - 7 days - Lu Jong 1 Educator retreat and diploma - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Barcelona - Spain


Août 2018 - 7 days - Kum Nye Retreat - Arnaud Maitland (Nyingma) - Le Temple sur Lot, France


Octobre 2018 : 3 days - Chandrakirti’s Entering into the Middle Way (Uma Tsawa Sherab) - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Mcleod Ganj - Inde


Octobre 2018 : 1 day - Permission (Jenang) of Avalokiteshvara Who Liberates from the Lower Realms + Renewal of Bodhisattva vows + Reading of Je Tsongkhapa’s ‘Three Principal Aspects of the Path’ - His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Mcleod Ganj - Inde


October 2018 : 8 days - Lung and Wang of Accomplishing Sukhavati (Dechen Shindrup) + Lung and Wang of Amithaba Phowa (Transference of consciousness) (Dechen Shindrup Phowa) + Lung and Wang of Chöd : the Magical net of Samantabhadra - His Holiness Lho Ontul Rinpoche (Drikung Kagyu and Nyingma Vajra Master) - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India


27th October 2018 : Ngakma ordination given by His Holiness Lho Ontul Rinpoche (Driking Kagyu and Nyingma Vajra Master) - inside Guru Rinpoche Cave - Tso Pema - India


November 2018 - 2 days - Commentary of the Lojong « Training of the Mind in eight Points » composed by Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054-1123) - Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche (Gelugpa) - Saviese - Switzerland


February 2019 to Spring 2020 (about 200 hours) : Nalanda Diploma Course, 1st batch 2019/20 - Geshe Dorji Damdul (Gelugpa) - Tibet House - Delhi - India


Février 2019 : 2 days - Lung « The Words of My Perfect Teacher » de Patrul Rinpoche - Namkha Rinpoche (Nyingma) - Centre Thegchok Ling - Lausanne - Switzerland


March 2019 : 2 days - Interpreter of « Basic Tibetan Medecine course » given by Dr Drungtso from the Drungtso Tibetan Medical and Astrological Center invited by Centre de pratique Energetique Tibétaine - Saint-Gervais-les-Bains - France


Mai 2019 : 1 day - Lung Black Dzambala and 8 verses - 7ème Kyabjé Yongzin Ling Rinpoché (Gelugpa) - Shedrub Choekhor Ling monastery - Salève, France


June 2019 - 7 days -  Tog Chöd Educator retreat and diploma - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Maria Alm - Austria


September 2019 : 5 days - Traditional Tibetan Medecine Online live Intensive Seminar - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


End 2019 : 1 day - The Noble Mahayana Sutra : the wisdom of the Hour of Death - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


End 2019 : 3 days - Rigpa Online Retreat - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


August 2020 - 1 day - Update/Transmission for Tibetan Five Elements Practices Teacher & Educator - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


June to December 2020 (2 days + 10 sessions) :  Teaching on Tummo Inner Fire - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


Janvier 2021 : 2 days - Ngöndro teachings + Wang et Lung Vajravarahi - Hi Holiness Kyapong Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche (Drukpa Kagyu Vajra Master) - Buthan


February 2021 - 3 days - Lu Jong 1 Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


2021 - Wang Cakrasamvara - Drupon Rinchen Dorje Rinpoche (Drikung Kagyu Vajra Master)


Spring 2021 - Shine - Traditional Buddhist Meditation Teacher training (6 days) and diploma - Maike Decok - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


June to September 2021 - Lu Jong 2 Teacher training (94 hours) and diploma - Eva Furrer - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


Spring  2021 - 6 days :  Six Yogas of Naropa - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


Spring  2021 - 2 days + 7 sessions : Teaching on Tummo Bliss - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


Spring  2021 - 1 day :  One-syllable Prajnaparamita Sutra - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


Juin 2021 - Wang Kurukulla + Teaching on the Six Bardos - HE Garchen Rinpoche (Drikung Kagyu Vajra Master)


Summer 2021 - Translation of the Teacher’s Tog Chöd Manual from English to French published by Nangten Menlang International


September 2021 to August 2022 (about 200 hours) : Nalanda Diploma Course, 3rd batch 2021/22 - Geshe Dorji Damdul (Gelugpa) - Tibet House - Delhi - India


Sept to December 2021 - 9 sessions -  Teaching on Tummo non conceptual mind - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International

September 2021 - 3 days - Lu Jong 1 Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International


September 2021 - 2 days - Lu Jong 2 Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International

September 2021 up to August 2022 : Nalanda Master Course (Psychology, Lam Rim, Philosophy), 3rd batch 2021/22 (about 200 hours at all) — Geshe Dorji Damdul - Tibet House - Delhi - India

October 2021 - 1 day - Tog Chöd Masterclass - Tulku Lobsang (Gelugpa) - Nangten Menlang International

January 24th to 28th 2022 - 20 hours - Debate Winter School 5 days Online crash course - Organized by Sera Jey Monastic University (Gelugpa) (Karnataka, India) and University of Groningen, The Netherlands

January/February 2022 - Lo Jong - Mahayana Seven Points Mind Training - Commentary by H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India

January to June 2022 - Study and practice of Buddhist meditation, philosophy and psychology Part 1 (100 h) - Maya - Geshe Lobsang Samten - Paramita Center - Quebec - Canada

January to December 2022 - The Life Story of Jetsun Milarepa and Meditation Instruction +  Commentary on the 100,000 songs of Milarepa - Teachings with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche - Chicago Ratna Shri - USA

January 2022 to December 2022 : Les étapes de la voie / LAM RIM intermédiaire - 1st year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France

February 2022 - Vajravarahi - Tummo Generation Stage Practice of Vajravarahi Deity Yoga - His Holiness Kyapong Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche (Drukpa Kagyu Vajra Master) - Buthan - Nangten Menlang International

March 2022 - Two Truths - Commentaries on Nāgārjuna’s Mūlamadhyamakakārikā - Commentary by H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India


April-May 2022 - Creation & Completion Stages of Deity Yoga - Commentary by H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche - Wogmin Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery - Tso Pema - India

August 2022:  Les 12 liens d'interdépendance / The twelve links of dependent origination - 1st year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France


Août 2022 - Wang Lung Tri of Chime Phakme Nyingtik, The Heart Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality - His Holiness 41st Sakya Trizin Ngawang Kunga Rinpoche in presence of 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche - Cadempino/Lugano - Switzerland (organised by Thupten Changchup Ling, Arosio, Switzerland)

Août 2022 - Four Basic thoughts which turn the mind toward Liberation - 1st module - 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche


Septembre 2022 - Tsa Lung Healing Therapy retreat - Dr Passang Arya - Tibetan Medecine Educational Center - Jaun - Switzerland

September to February 2022 - Study and practice of Buddhist meditation, philosophy and psychology Part 2 (100 h)  - Maya / Geshe Lobsang Samten - Paramita Center - Quebec - Canada

Décembre 2022 - Vajrasattva / Dorje Semba - 2nd module - 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche

Décembre 2022 - 3 days - Nagarjuna's Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) + Blessing of 21 Tara (doma 21 jenang) -  His Holiness Dalaï Lama - Bodhgaya - Inde

January 2023 to December 2023 : LO RIG - Esprit et Cognitions / Explication de la présentation des objets et des possesseurs d'objets ainsi que des connaissances et cognitions par Purbuchok / Mind and Cognition  - Module 2 - 2nd year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France

February 2023 -  Guru Rinpoche empowerment from the lineage of Apam Terton, previous incarnation of H.H. the 41st Sakya Trichen - His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra

February 2023 - 2 days -  Orange Manjushri empowarement + teaching "Parting from the Four Attachents" (mind training text revealed to the 3rd Sakya Trizin by Manjushri himself) - Lama Choedak Rinpoche 

Avril 2023  - Mandala Practice - 3rd module through 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche

July 2023 - Guru Yoga - 4th module through 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche

August 2023 :  The Wheel of Sharp Weapons by Dharmarakshita / L’entrainement de l’esprit dans le Mahayana : La roue aux lames acérées - Module 3 - 2nd year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France

November 2023 - Vajrakylaya - 5th module through 3 days online Retreat within the Repa Program - Chogyal Rinpoche

January 2024 to December 2024 : BODDHISATTVACHARYAVATARA de Shantideva - Module 4 - 3rd year of Basic Program studies FPMT Kalachakra Center (PEBA) - Geshe Dakpa Tsundu - Kalachakra Center - Paris - France​​​

Traductions-Ecrits / Translation works-Writtings

2021 - Tog Chöd Manual for Teachers - Nangten Menlang International edition - Translation from English to French.


--> Ruesi Daton Thai yoga teacher training courses are offered online from 1 person, depending on our availability.
--> Practitioner training in traditional Thai massage is offered in person and online. Info here
--> Old traditional massage sessions can be booked online here.

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