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nuad bo-rarn

​Nuad= massage      ------          Bo-Rarn = ancien/


This traditional ancient massage dates back to the time of the Buddha. He is associated with Dr. Jivako Kumar Bhaccha, who was a friend and personal physicist of the Buddha.

Developed within Buddhist monasteries, this massage has the particularity of “being Buddhist” and is therefore associated with spirituality.

It combines the 4 immeasurables which are:

  • Kindness: which is the wish that all beings find happiness and the causes of happiness

  • Compassion: which is the wish that beings are freed from suffering and the causes of suffering

  • Sympathy, or sympathizing Joy: which is the wish that beings find joy free from suffering

  • Equanimity, or Detachment: which is the wish that beings remain in the great equanimity free of partiality, attachment and aversion which considers some as close nor others as distant.

Originally, the transmission of Thai massage know-how was oral, from master to student or even within the family. It was only towards the end of the 80s and beginning of the 90s that this approach became formalized within transmission schools and developed in the West.​


Thai massage is composed of:

stretching: these stretches are based on a yogic approach, they are done in pairs with the practitioner, who initiates and carries out the movement, the recipient only having to relax to let the muscle stretch. This is the reason why this massage is also known as “yoga for lazy people” or “passive yoga”.

accupressure: it is the energy massage as such, practiced with the palms tomorrow, the thumbs, and also the elbows, forearms and feet.

meditation: for the therapist it is a question of developing his sensitivity through a meditative state allowing him to be fully aware and to develop his perception of others and thus bring about a gentle but effective practice respecting the flexibility of each person. For the recipient, it is about refocusing on oneself in order to develop listening to the body and put aside thoughts during this welcome break.


The movements of the Nuad Bo-Rarn follow each other in a fluid manner, traveling through the different regions of the body, thus engaging all the muscular areas.

When it comes to the Tok Sen massage or the massage with hot Thai herbal bags, there is an alternation of Nuad Bo-Rarn with one or the other technique.


These massages are open to everyone, people with reduced mobility or the elderly, however, as with any massage, there are contraindications to discover here.

The massage that we offer you is the version from Northern Thailand, which is composed of stretching and accupressure, while the Bangkok style is mainly focused on accupressure. This massage is offered for durations of 45 minutes to 2 hours. It is important to know that 2 hours is a "normal" duration in order to train all areas of the body. In Thailand, it is normal to see offers of 3 to 4 hours. Over a period of 45 minutes, we target one region of the body; it is impossible to cover the entire practice.


This is a hammer massage combined with traditional Thai massage.

This traditional massage developed within Buddhist monasteries. The treatment is carried out through the vibration provided by the repetitive tapping of a hammer and a wooden nail on the different muscles of the body. Several rhythms are proposed depending on the desired goal. We use traditional Thai massage with its acupressure points (hand, thumb, elbow, foot) alternating with the use of the Tok Sen (hammer), all following the different SEN (body lines) according to the system of traditional Thai medicine.

Regular tapping on the body's energy lines, the SENs, helps relieve muscle tension, pain and stiffness.

Since the action is carried out through vibration, the effects are not felt immediately but in the hours following the massage. This practice can help improve blood circulation and energy flow throughout the body.

It is also effective in helping to relieve stress and develop well-being.


The principle is similar to the Tok Sen body massage, however this time we use smaller tools and the tapping is no longer the same in terms of intensity. Indeed, the goal of Tok Sen of the face is no longer to seek the spreading of the muscle but its tightening. Indeed, over the years, the facial muscles tend to relax causing wrinkles, bags on the eyes and drooping cheeks, and the principle of Tok Sen is, through a delicate vibration, to stimulate the muscles in order to help strengthen their hold.

The application of the Tok Sen gesture is offered alone or alternated with the traditional Thai massage depending on the massage chosen.

It is also possible to benefit from a complete treatment including a warm application, an exfoliating scrub made using natural and homemade ingredients (yogurt, honey, fruit and mixture of chopped herbs - mixture composed according to the traditional recipe Thai-), a cold application and a lymphatic touch.


The massage with hot Thai herbal bags is combined here with the Thai massage. This technique helps relieve muscle pain, dissipate tension, stimulate the internal organs, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, ensuring total relaxation of the body and mind. The pouches contain a blend of hand-chopped dry and fresh herbs, releasing their benefits and fragrances when heated.

This massage is done with clothes as well!!!


--> Ruesi Daton Thai yoga teacher training courses are offered online from 1 person, depending on our availability.
--> Practitioner training in traditional Thai massage is offered in person and online. Info here
--> Old traditional massage sessions can be booked online here.

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